
Friday, May 3, 2013

Hatcher: The Busy Body! :)

It seems that as soon as Hatcher turned 7 months old, he decided he was ready to put growing up into overdrive!! Let's just say we're going to have our hands full with this little boy!

He's into EVERYTHING!!! When he gets in his little walker, he is gone! This child can move so fast & manuever himself in tight spaces like nothing I've ever seen! He can also clip your ankles & run over your toes like a champ! He bumps into everything & I swear he's going to give himself whiplash!

In just the past week, he has learned how to open & close the door on Dooley's kennel, shake the blinds on the back door, pull on the table clothes & curtains, run his little fingers all up & down our pantry doors which are glass & how to really chase Dooley down!! Poor dog doesn't know what he's in for. Dooley is terrified of him in that walker & hides behind Johny & I when he feels threatened by it. We have a bench at our front door & a chair in our bedroom that allow Dooley to see out the window. This is not what they're there for but that's not what Dooley thinks. Hatch has learned to walk up to them & that Dooley will lick him all over & that he can pet Dooley. Today, he learned how to hold Dooley by the collar...seriously?!?!

He has also become quite the wiggle worm! He is constantly flipping over while we're changing his diaper & clothes. It takes forever to do either of these chores now & it's hilarious. He used to lay there so still & sweet & now he just wants to be on the move!

He has also become quite impatient. (I have no clue where he got this trait; certainly not from me!!) When we feed him his bottle, we have always burped half way through. Now when we take the bottle away, he screams bloody murder. You give it back to him, it stops. OMG!! So now, we're just feeding him the whole bottle & then burping to overcome a screaming fit.

Now, all this said he's still the sweetest little thing ever!! He's still very laid back, smiley, happy & silly! He's just realizing that he's way more mobile now & that he can manipulate us to get his way. He's wrapped around both of our fingers so we'll see how this goes!

I love watching him grow & learn new things! He's getting so big & it feels like time is going at warp speed. We were looking at pictures of his first few months the other night & we couldn't believe how much he'd grown & changed.

He's at such a fun age that I just wanted to share a few exciting new things happening in our household!

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