
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

11 Months Old!

Our little man turned 11 months old on August 24th! We're less than a month away from his first birthday!! Hatcher had an eventful 10th month filled with lots of fun adventures. He is getting so big and learning so many new things. It seems impossible the amount of things he learns from month to month. Children really are like sponges and our boy takes it all in. Here are some fun things he's doing right now!

-WALKING!! Hatcher took his first steps a few weeks back and up until the past day or so crawling was still his main source of mobility. He wasn't so sure of the whole walking thing. He seemed to get the hang of it though while we were at the beach. He was walking on his tippy toes a lot before but I think the sand taught him how to get his balance and walk more flat footed. Yesterday and today though he's been cruising really well on his own but is still working on standing from a seated position.

-Hatcher is eating more & more table food. He will still eat baby food though which is honestly nice sometimes when I'm in a pinch and need a quick go-to meal. Some of his favorite foods are: bananas, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, pears, cinnamon toast, yogurt, oatmeal, grits, avacados, cheese or turkey sandwiches, chicken salad, pasta salad, spaghetti and chicken & rice. He's not a picky eater at this point and I hope he never is.

-He loves to wave hello & goodbye! He's a very friendly little fellow and enjoys riding in the grocery cart or his stroller and waving to people that pass by. He's very observant and takes everything in when we're out and about. He's starting to say more words..."dada" is still by far his favorite but he can also say "hey" and "doooey" which translates to Dooley our beagle! So sweet to watch him call Dooley when Dooley is outside playing.

-Hatch decided he isn't a big fan of being in the car unless he can watch Sesame Street so we invested in an inexpensive portable DVD player for the car and a few $5 Sesame Street videos to keep him entertained while on the road.

-Bath time is a FAVORITE and he loves winding down before bed time with a bath! He outgrew his infant tub and honestly it was quite difficult trying to keep him in it. So, now he takes a bath like a big boy! We bought him a non skid mat for the floor of the tub and lots of little toys and he has a ball! He's all over the place though so it's quite the work-out!!

-He is becoming more interested in books and will just sit and flip through them over & over. He loves to play in his room and empty out all the toy baskets on his book shelf. He can entertain himself and us in there for hours!

-The little guy is starting to have little tantrums when he doesn't get his way. It's so unlike him and we haven't seen any of this behavior before now so I'm hoping it's just a phase and that he'll figure it out soon. Right now, we just try to ignore the behavior and give him the attention he wants once he's calmed down.

-He's finally getting his 4 top teeth in that he's been working on since he was 6 months old!! Ahh!! One top tooth is through the gum so maybe his pain & irritibility will be over soon enough.

-We're giving him more & more freedom around the house as he gets more mobile. We still watch him like a hawk because I'm so afraid of him falling & getting hurt but I know that's just part of him growing up & learning.

-Hatcher has started Mother's Morning Out at our church. It began 3 weeks ago but he's only been twice because we were at the beach the second week. He's going one day a week for 3 hours. To be honest, it hasn't gone well so far and he has cried a lot of the time but I'm praying that he'll get the hang of it soon. I really believe he needs this interaction with other children and I know it's good for him to be away from me sometimes but it really is heart breaking. I feel so bad leaving him but the love I get when I pick him is so sweet! Please keep us in your prayers that HT will start enjoying his time there.

There will be more posts to come about things Hatcher has been up to the past month. He had a week long stay with his Grammie while Johny & I went to Las Vegas, he took a trip to LaGrange for a wedding with us, had some QT with his Aunt Britney while mommy volunteered for her sorority for a few days and then most recently he spent 8 days at the beach with family! All of those posts & pictures are to come in the next few days.

Johny & I were talking just this morning about how fun this age is right now! He's so cute & his little personality is really shining through. I love him more & more every single day. Below are pictures from our little 11 month photo shoot! :)

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