
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pear Juice

Anytime I find that something works well for Hatcher, I want to share it with my mommy friends! Hatcher has been eating solids now for 2 weeks & as you know anytime you introduce new foods to a baby it can cause issues with them going to the potty properly. We started him out eating just oatmeal cereal mixed with breast milk. Then after a week we started mixing bananas into the cereal along with BM. Then after a week of that I introduced sweet potatoes. We're only eating solids once a day until we go for his 6 month check-up & then I'll start doing it twice a day. At the end of last week, I noticed that he was having a difficult time going to the restroom & I felt so badly for him. I started reading up on how to help an infant who is experiencing constipation. Eventually, I decided to call my pediatrician's nurse to find out what their recommendation would be. First, she assured me that this was totally normal after introducing solids so not to be too concerned. The nurse recommended Gerber Pear Juice & giving him one ounce twice a day until he seemed to be going more regularly. So I sent my hubby to Kroger last night to buy some pear juice & attempted giving it to Hatcher in a bottle. He was having none of it!! He made the most awful face & was spitting it all right out. So this morning I decided to trick him a little. He has never given us a problem with taking medicine (gripe water, gas drops or baby Tylenol). So I decided to give him the pear juice through the syringe & he drank every drop of it! Within 2 hours, he was going to the potty & I know his little tummy had to feel better! Tonight, I'm going to replace the bananas in his cereal with pureed pears to see if this will also help him. I had no idea that bananas could cause some people constipation...ya learn something new every day. Even though Hatch loves his bananas (he says hmmmm after every bite) I want to try something new to keep him more regular. Just thought I'd share this tip with others who might be experiencing similar tummy topic I know!! :)

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